
Catholic High students become articulate in speech and writing, adept in the usage of technology, able to understand human culture through a study of humanities and the arts, and proficient in academic and social skills that promote team building and problem solving. Upon graduation, Catholic High students possess the knowledge and the experience to succeed in higher education and beyond.

Honors Program

This program is designed to provide select students with challenging and rigorous academic courses. Incoming students enroll in all honors level classes and take Advanced Placement (AP) and dual-enrollment courses in their junior and senior years, enabling them to earn college credit while at Catholic High and preparing them for careers of the 21st century.

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College Preparatory Program

This program allows students to engage in diverse coursework that exceeds MSDE requirements, making students academically able and college-ready. The faculty of Catholic High is committed to preparing each student with enriched academic experiences that will prepare them for college and careers in the future. 

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Law and Leadership in the Franciscan Tradition Program

This program empowers young women to be active, engaged citizens by providing them with the academic experiences they need to successfully effect change in their local communities and beyond. The Law and Leadership Program is designed for young women who want to cultivate their writing, presentation, and communication skills while acquiring leadership opportunities, extracurricular involvement, and real-world experiences in Law and Leadership.

Program Overview

Our curriculum develops the essential skills of responsible leadership, with a comprehensive appreciation for the principles and values upon which the legal system rests in order to successfully impact society in a morally, ethically, and responsible way.

Setting the foundation of the program, freshman and sophomore students take classes in Leadership in the Franciscan Tradition, Public Speaking, Criminal Justice, World and US History, and French or Spanish.

Creating an appreciation for the moral and ethical values of the legal system, juniors and seniors take courses in Government, Civil Discourse and Debate, Civil Rights Laws and Policies, Global Issues, and Leadership and Social Justice. Between junior and senior year, students will participate in an internship program where they will be exposed to law and leadership in a real-world setting. A conclusion of the program takes place senior year with a culmination project in which students incorporate research, writing and presentation of a topic related to one of the major issues covered throughout the program.

Extra-Curricular Involvement

To ensure the young women in this program are becoming active, engaged citizens, students must participate in at least two of the following extra-curricular activities:

  •  Duns Scotus Forensics Society
  •  Student Council*
  •  Maryland Youth and Government
  •  TCHS/Curley Mock Trial Team
  •  Model UN
  •  Maryland Page Program**

*Must be elected by classmates
**Must apply and be selected by members of the Maryland Page selecting committee

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STEM Program

This program enables students to begin an intense academic program in their freshman year with special emphasis in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. With concentrations in Engineering, Biomedicine, and Sports Medicine, students have the opportunity to delve into their interests before transitioning to college. Catholic High's Medical Coordinator, a Medical Doctor, plans and teaches courses in the Biomedical concentration. Courses include Histology and Pathology only offered at TCHS. The Engineering Coordinator, a Lead Engineer, plans and teaches courses in the Engineering concentration. Courses include Design and Analysis and Bioengineering. 

Program Overview

Catholic High's recognized four-year project-based experiential STEM Program inspires future generations of young women to pursue exciting, rewarding and well-paying careers needed for the future growth of our nation in areas traditionally not previously available to them. Knowledge learned in STEM disciplines, the acquisition of advanced skills through hands-on, project-centered methods of inquiry will propel our students to succeed in colleges, universities and jobs of their choice. Engineering courses are taught in our state-of-the-art Joanne Liberatore Kramer Engineering Room and the Theresa F. Truschel Robotics Lab. Medical courses prepare students with real-world acquisition skills due to the usage of the Jesse James Hinson, Jr. Biomedical Clinical Simulation Lab. 

STEM Partnerships

The STEM Program is pleased to offer its students in-field experience with our new partners, LifeBridge Health – ExpressCare Urgent Care Centers and The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company. Catholic High’s students continue to be one step ahead of other high school students when applying for college and jobs in the STEM field.


Engineering - The Engineering concentration includes curriculum in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, two additional advanced sciences; NASA Engineering, Computer Engineering; Algebra II, Geometry; AB/BC Calculus; and a Senior Capstone Project. Classwork in the Lab includes, VEX and Lego robotics, Sea-Perch Underwater robotics, model building design & construction, model rocket design & construction, reverse engineering and redesign of commercial products. Our curriculum and instruction are continually updated to meet technological advancements and the ever-changing academic and work environment. Seniors engineering students receive real-world experience through our partnerships with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company. 

Biomedicine - The Biomedicine concentration allows young women to explore rigorous directed content, in the medical sciences, not available in most high school environments. Through a combination of course work, field experiences, and speakers, students explore a wide variety of college majors and post college careers. This concentration actively builds partnerships with hospitals and health care providers. Students make use of the Biomedical Clinical Simulation Lab which is home to many mid-fidelity mannequins that simulate real world experiences. The Biomedicine concentration provides opportunities for Senior students to participate in a two-week medical field experience with world class doctors and clinicians with LifeBridge Health Partner ExpressCare Urgent Care Centers and Sinai Hospital. Students acquire competency skills used in Health Care Facilities and receive certificates of completion that can be used when applying to colleges and universities.

Sports Medicine - Catholic High’s Sports Medicine Concentration is for students interested in careers in Sports Medicine, Athletic Training, Orthopedics, Exercise Physiology, Kinesiotherapy, Physiatry, and Physical Therapy. Students interested in these fields will be able to use our Training and Exercise Facility in our Gymnasium.

Requirements for Acceptance

Acceptance into the STEM Program is based on the following criteria. Students must:

  • Complete the STEM Application (Students may apply for two different concentrations within the STEM Program. Applicants must submit a separate application for each concentration they are applying.)
  • Score high in the areas of mathematics and science on standardized testing and the High School Placement Test.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Complete Algebra I before the start of freshman year

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Visual and Performing Arts Program

The McCafferty Visual and Performing Arts Program allows young women to concentrate in one specific area of the arts including Dance, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Visual Art, and Theatre. Students complete graduated levels of instruction in their particular discipline, build portfolios, participate in regional competitions, and will have opportunities for musical performances and art exhibitions.

Program Overview

Musicians, vocalists, actors, dancers, graphic designers, sculptors, painters, and artists form the Visual & Performing Arts Department at Catholic High. These students learn about history, foundational principles, and are assessed mainly by studio-based or performance-based projects.

McCafferty Hall has been home to Catholic High's Visual & Performing Arts Department since 1960. When one walks the hall, she experiences creativity, displayed in the inventiveness and hard work of our student artists, photographers, musicians, actors, singers, and dancers. From art to theatrical productions to concerts, Catholic High's love for ingenuity and creativity shines. Our comprehensive visual and performing arts curriculum helps to provide each Catholic High student with a full range of study that keeps our students involved and engaged. Students of every skill level are invited and encouraged to broaden their knowledge in one of the arts disciplines, and thereby fulfill their one arts credit requirement for graduation or become an art enthusiast by taking many credits in the VPA Program.

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Archangel Program

This Archangel Program provides an opportunity for students who have encountered academic difficulties during elementary and middle school. The Archangel Program offers small class sizes and a Mentor Program. Students in the Archangel Program will have a class built into their schedule freshman year dedicated to academic support. They will spend the first two years at Catholic High with the same class members learning note taking, study skills, and time management to better prepare them for Junior and Senior year, and College. 

Program Overview

Through small class sizes, frequent student-teacher interaction, close cooperation between home and school, and the student's commitment to success, the Archangel student will proceed through a college preparatory program. Archangel students are integrated into other class levels based upon academic achievement in their junior year.

Teachers enhance the learning experiences and make lessons more interactive. Students utilize the most state-of-the-art technology including Chromebooks with various educational applications.

Requirements for Acceptance

Students who apply for the Archangel Program must have an IEP, 504 plan, or psychological educational evaluation. Please enclose the evaluation with the Application for Admission.

Each student must take the High School Placement Test. Once accepted, the Woodcock-Johnson III will be administered in the fall of the freshman year and the spring of the sophomore year.

In addition, incoming Archangel freshmen complete a one-week summer program prior to Grade 9. The summer program includes two hours a day for Pre-Algebra and two hours a day for Reading/English/Study Skills. Attendance in each session is based on academic need.

There is no late acceptance without testing and approval of the Coordinator of the Archangel Program. There is an additional $1,500 cost for full Archangel students (Math and English), and a $1,000 for partial Archangel students (either Math or English).

If you are unsure whether the Archangel Program would benefit your daughter, please contact the Office of Enrollment at 410.732.6200 ext. 1216 to schedule an appointment.

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