
Mothers' Club

The Mothers' Club consists of parents, and guardians of present students that are dedicated to the education, the enrichment and empowerment of the young women attending The Catholic High of Baltimore. As mothers we wish to show our love, support, encouragement and enrich the enjoyment that a young woman's high school years can bring to their development as adults. At Catholic High we hope they foster life time relationships that carry them through their entire lives.

All Mothers' Club meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Dining Hall unless otherwise noted. Everyone is encouraged to attend. We are always looking for new ideas, members and future leadership on our Executive Board.

Mothers' Club Executive Board

Executive Board to be announced.

If you are interested in joining, please contact

The Mothers' Club organizes or participates in the following events:

  • School Pictures
  • Fall Pick 3
  • Spring Pick 3
  • Back to School Night
  • Math Olympiad
  • Open House
  • Junior Ring Ceremony
  • HSPT
  • Paint Night
  • Designer Purse Bingo
  • Sophomore Dance
  • NHS Induction
  • Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

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Fathers' Club

The mission of the Fathers' Club is to assist the school administration and enhance the experience of all students during their time at Catholic High. The Fathers' Club meets on the third Thursday of each month to enjoy some food and company while discussing/planning out upcoming events and activities. Some of these events and activities include: parking duty for major school events such as the Open House and the Math Olympiad, running a number of fundraisers such as the Senior Banner Sale and the Crab Raffle, cooking breakfast for students and staff in the Fall and Spring, and hosting events such as the Father/Daughter Dance, the New York City bus trip, and a student outing to Skateland in Putty Hill.

The Fathers' Club is always looking for new members and is open to dads, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, or any adult male figure who serves as a vital male role model to any Catholic High student. For anyone interested in joining the Fathers' Club, please reach out to one of the Executive Board members listed below.

Fathers' Club Executive Board

Executive Board to be announced.

If you are interested in joining, please contact The Fathers' Club at

Major Events

  • Spring Breakfast for Students, Faculty, and Staff
  • Skateland Putty Hill
  • Crab Raffle Fundraiser
  • Senior Banners Fundraiser
  • Bill Bateman’s Rosedale Fundraiser

Order Forms

Fathers' Club Apparel Order Form

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Athletic Boosters' Club

The purpose of the Athletic Boosters' Club is to support, assist, and improve the athletic activities of The Catholic High School of Baltimore. Throughout the year, they sponsor fundraisers, events and awards. From pizza sales to the annual Sports Banquet, the Catholic High Athletic Boosters' Club works hard to improve Catholic High athletics.

The Athletic Boosters' Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the DeCarlo Library. All are welcome to attend!

Athletic Boosters' Club Executive Board

President - Stacey Phelps
Vice President - Liz Walz
Secretary - Kelly Seifert
Treasurer - Debbie Dietz

Order Forms

Fisher's Popcorn Form
Fisher's Popcorn Options

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VPA Boosters' Club

The Visual and Performing Arts Boosters' Club is the parent group who support and assist the Visual and Performing Arts Department with fund raisers and events throughout the year. We believe that all the arts: Visual Art, Music (Vocal, Band, Orchestra, Piano), Theatre, and Dance enrich our daughters' lives throughout the high school years and beyond. 

VPA Boosters' Club Executive Board

President - Dana DeRemigis
Vice President - Jaime Pickett
Secretary - Dawn Keyton
Treasurer - Barb Makowiecki '93

If you are interested in joining, please contact the VPA Boosters' Club at We host monthly virtual meetings using Google Meets. Plan to join us for news and updates pertaining to all students in the VPA Program. In 2024-2025, meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and are scheduled for the first Thursday of each month. Follow us on Facebook: TCHS VPA

The VPA Boosters' Club organizes the following events and fundraisers:

  • Concessions for concerts and musical programs throughout the school year
  • Monthly Restaurant Nights
  • Double Good Popcorn
  • Christmas Dinner & Fundraiser
  • Visual Art Shows
  • Welcome Picnic
  • Other events and support as needed

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